This Is How To Have A Sustainable Lifestyle, As Parents

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Becoming parents is quite the physical and emotional roller coaster. You are happy, over the moon but mostly, you are wiped out with exhaustion.

Trying to live sustainably can turn into a challenge for new parents, but there are plenty of easy, non-stress ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Plus, children will learn what they see you do, so this is one way of raising them into adults who will always respect the planet they live on and care for the environment.

Here go some simple tips and tricks for parenting, sustainably.

Turn Off The Faucet

Unsplash | Clay Banks

With a new baby, or even growing children in the house, your water consumption is likely to shoot up through the roof. But there are ways to keep it down. Don't keep the faucet running while you brush your teeth, wash your hands, or are cleaning something. Turning off the faucet is simple but the key to conserving water.

Opt for more showers and fewer baths, and use minimal water wash cycles for washing clothes. Children emulate adults so if they see you using water responsibly, that's what they will do.

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Lessen Single-Use Items

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Every grocery store is full of disposable, use-and-throw packaging. A juice box, a teensy jar of baby food, a pack of chips, and many more things.

We cannot avoid some of these things, of course. But there are plenty of things that can be made at home.

Baby food for example just needs fresh ingredients and a mixer.

Drop the bottled water and carry a home-filled reusable bottle with you. Disposable does not mean biodegradable. And remember, what you do use, please reuse and recycle.

Walk More, Drive Less

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When you are tired, it's easy enough to take the car out. And obviously, for long distances, you do need a vehicle. But if your city allows for safe and easy public transport, use it, at least for the work commute.

For shorter distances, walk. Not only will this burn calories but any exercise releases the happy hormones, endorphins, and will make you feel a lot better, even if you are stressed. For slightly longer distances, take out the bike. If you can take the kids with you, there's the added plus of bonding.

Choose Experiences Over Toys

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Plastic toys are not the most sustainable thing around. While no household can truly go toy-free, you can choose to add more experiences to your children's lives, rather than toys.

A small trip. A hike to the woods. A berry-collecting challenge. Paint the driveway with chalk. Leaf collection. There's so much around that you can involve the children with, and learn along the way.

And when you spend time with children, this is one way to forge the best parent-child bonds with them too.


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